"It was in the Hancock piece that I saw Julian MacDonough perform laughter and joy on the drums. Listening, you could not help but smile. Through several solo drum breaks, he evoked a world of inventive rhythm: crickets chirping, hands playing fast patty cake, children jumping rope Double Dutch, the sound of Charlie Chaplin’s dancing rolls in the Gold Rush, the warped ticking of the clocks in a Dali painting. Certainly a privilege and a pleasure to witness."
—Bellingham Reviews


"MacDonough is known for his smooth balance of precision and improvisation."
—Bellingham Alive!


"Julian McDonough is a joyful and glorious beat-maker. A master of beat division (how many times could you divide the number one with ever developing coherence?) he has the ability to play that most treasured thirteenth note: dynamics. As a ludicrously busy educator, sonic artist, father, and musical director of Bellingham's premier jazz showcase/workshop WJMAC, Julian does all this and more, but he keeps it all inside. You can hear it in his music." 
—Brown Paper Tickets